Learn how our partners and sponsors work together to create programs to help overcome some of the challenges to recycling in Alaska.
Need more info about the programs listed? email ALPAR
- Anchorage area
- Snow-free months
ALPAR volunteers adopt pathways (ie paved bike & walking paths) along state-maintained roads in Anchorage and keep them free of litter throughout snow-free months. Adopters agree to three-year commitments caring for 1-2 miles of trail; minimum of three cleanups per year during the summer.
2022-2027 statewide: Cleanup bags sponsored by Northern Star Resources, Ltd. (Pogo Mine).
Coordinated by the Municipality of Anchorage (volunteers and signage):
Coordinated by Alaska DOT (volunteers and signage):
Anchorage creek cleanup (volunteers and signage):
Anchorage Citywide Cleanup:
Can-Do Kids
- Anchorage area only
- Year-round
Kids can do a great job of recycling! They earn pocket money and prizes when they turn in aluminum cans at the WestRock Anchorage Recycling Center. Pick up Can-Do Kids information at the Anchorage Recycling Center or download here. Thank you PepsiCo Foundation for sponsoring the Can-Do Kids program in Anchorage.
Christmas Tree Recycling
- Anchorage, Eagle River and Palmer
- holiday season (Dec. 28, 2023 through Jan. 15, 2024; watch for dates annually)
Christmas trees dropped off in designated areas at select Carrs/Safeway are recycled into wood chips for local trails.
*Anchorage midtown CARRS/Safeway is no longer a drop off site.
Trees must be free of all lights, decorations and not in a bag; live trees only; no wreaths; household use only (not intended for businesses to drop off unsold holiday trees). Program dates vary – generally the end of December through mid-January. Thank you to our major sponsors CARRS/Safeway, Tall Trees, Alpha Media, Total Reclaim, WestRock, Alaska Mill & Feed, Colliers, Anchorage Sand & Gravel and the Municipality of Anchorage Solid Waste Services.
Youth Litter Patrol
ALPAR funds organizations which provide summer employment for youth 14-17 years old. Youth help rid communities of litter and remind everyone to dispose of litter properly. Sponsoring organizations are responsible for hiring, supervision, scheduling, record keeping, insurance and filing a final report with ALPAR; final reports are due to ALPAR on Oct. 1st. (ALPAR does not accept applications from individuals – ie youth must go through sponsoring organization.)
Within the Municipality of Anchorage
- Eligibility: nonprofit & tribal entities (individuals and government entities are not eligible)
- Applications are mailed to past recipients and can be requested by emailing director@alparalaska.com
MOA sponsors: Youth employment funds provided through MOA Solid Waste Services.
Outside the Municipality of Anchorage
- Eligibility: nonprofit & tribal entities (individuals and governmental agencies are not eligible)
- Applications are mailed to past recipients and available by emailing director@alparalaska.com
Statewide sponsors:
Youth employment funds and safety vests sponsored by ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.
2022-2027: cleanup bags sponsored by Northern Star Resources, Ltd. (Pogo Mine).
Volunteer Community Cleanup
- Statewide
- Snow-free months
Volunteers all over the state pitch in to help clean up their communities every spring. ALPAR supplies up to 200,000 free bright yellow cleanup bags to 160 communities across Alaska every year. Since 1990, we’ve given away over 2 million bags to help clean up Alaska.
2022-2027: cleanup bags sponsored by Northern Star Resources, Ltd. (Pogo Mine).
Flying Cans
- Rural Alaska only
- Year-round application process
Alaska’s rural communities (off the road system, without solid waste aluminum can recycling options or ability to move cans via river/ports) collect aluminum cans bound for recycling, thanks to Northern Air Cargo and the member airlines of the Alaska Air Carriers Association. Additional support for can crushers (hand-operated or mechanical) provided in 2022-2025 by CocaCola Bottling of Alaska and The Odom Corporation and the American Beverage Foundation for a Healthier America.
2022-2027: bags for this program are sponsored by Northern Star Resources, Ltd. (Pogo Mine).

How we move materials on to a new life:
ALPAR supports recycling in railbelt communities (Anchorage, Kenai, Mat-Su Valley and Fairbanks) through agreements with various businesses and municipalities to backhaul recyclables to markets Outside. The backhaul is accomplished through the generosity of Totem Ocean Trailer Express, Matson Navigation, Horizon Lines of Alaska, Lynden/Alaska Marine Lines, Alaska Railroad and Weaver Brothers.