Category: Uncategorized
CARRS/Safeway continues to recycle plastic bags
Follow CARRS/Safeway is accepting plastic bags at all their locations in Alaska – they collect and send the bags to their own distribution/recycle center in the L48. The stores generally have a collection box/container (like this one) at the front of the stores in or near their lobby/entrances (collection containers and location within individual stores…
Anchorage adds a slice to the recycling pie
Follow (8.17.2020) Anchorage – Effective immediately, pizza boxes are allowed in all Anchorage cardboard recycling. New data shows that grease and small amounts of cheese in pizza boxes has no impact on the ability of the boxes to be recycled. This material is now accepted in all curbside and cardboard drop-off recycling within the Municipality…
Air carriers create lift for rural recycling backhaul program
Follow Flying Cans history – 1990 news clip For more than 30 years local air carriers have been a part of a legacy – one that often goes unseen and uncelebrated. In honor of National Aviation Day (Aug. 19th) and the more than 70 rural communities who benefit from their donated backhaul services, we thank…
Plastic nursery pot recycling event on pause
Follow In the past ALPAR has organized a plastic nursery pot recycling event in Anchorage at the Alaska Botanical Garden. However this year, due to COVID-19 concerns and the marketability of #3-7 plastics, we will not be holding the event in 2020. Faltz Landscaping, however, will continue to take plastic nursery pots through the summer months…
Kongiganak kids keep Alaska beautiful
Follow Kongiganak is just one of the many communities participating in this year’s Youth Litter Patrol program. The kids cleaned up their community by filling 212 yellow ALPAR bags with trash and 22 green ALPAR bags with aluminum cans bound for recycling. Local IGAP Director Tracy Lewis rousted 42 youth to participate this year. We…
COVID-19 relief for frontline sanitation and recycling workers
Follow Don’t leave them at the curb – be sure to thank all those who handle what we put in the bin as part of Waste and Recycling Workers Week (June 17). Despite significant changes and challenges over the past few months, these essential workers continue to make our everyday lives seamless. If you…
Collaboration creates unique communication tool
Follow youth recycling poster in Yupik_11x17 youth recycling poster in Yupik_24x36 In cooperation with ALPAR and Zender Environmental, the Alaska DEC Solid Waste Program translated this poster into Yupik to encourage youth recycling efforts. While the poster is not in print, it is downloadable through the links above in two sizes for use in…
EPA stresses importance of recycling, proper disposal of PPE
Follow EPA is encouraging all Americans to recycle materials from their households and properly dispose of personal protective equipment (PPE), especially during the Coronavirus public health emergency. Recycling isn’t just good for the planet by reducing the amount of waste going to landfills and saving energy, it also supports American manufacturing. Recycled materials are used…
Clean up, not clean out on Earth Day
Follow April 22 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, a global celebration fostering a clean, healthy environment and a more prosperous future. While many of us are staying safe at home this Earth Day, we wanted to share some tips from Keep America Beautiful as a way to carry out spring cleanup without causing…
America Recycles Day – making a mantra more meaningful
Follow Reduce, reuse, recycle – while the majority of us can recite this alliteration in our sleep, it takes commitment to make this mantra a part of our waking hours. And let’s face it, recycling can be baffling for those wanting to dip their toe into the “what can I do?” waters. The juxtaposition of…